im体育APP is led by an 操作板 with many years of experience in their respective leadership and management fields. The 操作板 meets every month to review the overall performance of the business and also to determine group-wide priorities.




Jo was appointed 首席执行官 of the im体育APP Group in 2019 and is responsible for the overall strategic direction and growth of the Group. He previously served as the Group CFO since 2012 and was a board member of the Group following its buyout from Stork in 2010. 在im体育APP之前, he built a career in private equity and led the investment in several global testing businesses in both 欧洲 and the US, 包括2010年对im体育APP的收购.

在乔的领导下, im体育APP经历了显著的增长, expanding from 20 locations in five regions in 2010 to a global business with over 270 locations in 30 countries and a workforce of more than 9,000名员工. This growth is a testament to his efforts in driving organic growth and integrating 47 acquisitions. 在im体育APP任职期间, 乔领导过几次成功的收购, 包括3i和Bridgepoint的公司, 以及2017年对Exova的私有化. 最近一次是在他的监督下,淡马锡于2022年成功收购了该公司.



露丝被任命为首席财务官(CFO), joining im体育APP’s Executive Team and the Board on 1 June 2020 and reporting to 乔Wetz, 首席执行官. 她负责所有的财务, 采购, 法律, 企业内部的税务和IT活动, 并带来了重要的财务控制, M&为集团提供变革管理、战略和业务规划方面的专业知识.

露丝在威廉希尔公司做了两年半的首席财务官, 领导其财务, 保证, 法律及采购职能, as well as playing a critical role in driving company strategy and business transformation. She was also instrumental in the IPO of payments processing business Worldpay in 2015 – the largest ever private equity backed IPO in the UK at the time.

Ruth is a qualified accountant with a degree in Biochemistry and spent nearly a decade in private equity, 在包括废物处理在内的各个领域开展工作, 可再生能源, 音乐, 出版和零售.



Rick于2004年加入im体育APP, originally as a Business Development Manager responsible for integrating newly 收购了 laboratories into the organization. He has held General Manager positions for im体育APP’s laboratories in Los Angeles, Detroit and Amsterdam and led several US laboratories through a Lean process transformation.

In 2011 Rick took the position of Vice President of 欧洲an Operations and formally joined the im体育APP Executive Team. Rick于2014年成为航空航天执行副总裁(EVP). Under his leadership the global aerospace sector has more than quadroupled in size and successfully integrated over 10 acquisitions, 添加功能, capacity and footprint to become the number one provider of aerospace testing services in the world. 2020年10月,Rick被任命为执行副总裁, 美洲, 负责im体育APP在美国的所有业务, 加拿大和墨西哥, 涵盖了航空航天领域的88个实验室, 连接技术, 国防, 生命科学和运输终端市场.



Matt joined im体育APP in December 2018, initially as EVP for im体育APP’s global 能源 business. 2020年10月, 马特被任命为欧洲执行副总裁, 中东, Asia and Africa region (EMEAA) with responsibility for five business units covering 航空航天 and Defence, 连接技术, 生命科学, 建筑环境, 认证与数字工程.

马特在测试方面有20年的经验, 检验及认证界别, 在欧洲担任运营和商业领导职务, 南美和北美. 这主要涵盖了全球领先的实验室网络, 以及专注于客户管理的领导团队, 技术管理, 系统开发和新的增长计划. 在加入im体育APP之前, Matt曾是必维国际检验集团执行领导团队的成员.

Marstrand Wulf

Marstrand Wulf

Ditte于2022年9月加入im体育APP, and is responsible for setting and executing our global people strategy across all of im体育APP’s geographies. 拥有超过25年的国际人力资源经验, Ditte为业务转换带来了重要的功能, M&A, integration and change, as well as leading global HR functions and teams.

迪特一直是高管团队值得信赖的顾问和业务合作伙伴, 包括动物卫生在内的一系列部门的领导和员工, 技术, 分布, 金融服务, 零售及制造业. 最近, Ditte曾担任Covetrus的全球首席人力资源官, a global animal health technology company operating in 27 countries and serving over 100,000客户. 

Ditte holds a MSc in Human Resource Management and a BSc in Economics and Business Administration from the Copenhagen Business School.



雷纳·利瑞 was appointed as Chief Commercial Officer and joined im体育APP's 操作板 in September 2023. Renae负责领导公司的商业战略, aimed at driving accelerated growth and ensuring that customers remain central to strategic and operational decisions.

Renae拥有超过25年的全球经验, 曾担任安塞尔公司的首席商务官, a global leader in health and safety protection solutions for healthcare and industrial sectors. 在安塞尔任职期间, she led commercial efforts and was a member of the Executive 领导 Team. Prior to that, Renae held senior global commercial positions at Johnson Controls and Tyco.

Renae holds a Master's degree in Commerce from the University of New South Wales and a Bachelor of Arts in Asian Studies from The Australian National University.

Arnout Lijesen

Arnout Lijesen

Arnout于2004年初加入im体育APP, and is responsible for the Group’s strategy and highly successful global mergers and acquisition program. 在他的领导下,该集团已成功成立, 收购了, 并在北美整合了30多家市场领先的企业, 欧洲和亚洲.

Arnout has led various strategy assignments over the years including the original rebranding from Stork to im体育APP; the Group’s entry into China; multiple outsourcing projects and various corporate strategy exercises.

自2010年退出以来, Arnout has focused on leading im体育APP’s highly successful mergers and acquisition program. 加入im体育APP之前, Arnout worked for Unilever Group Unichema and the management consultant firm Arthur D. 小.

首席数字 & 技术官


Andrew于2021年8月加入im体育APP, 并负责制定和执行公司的技术, 创新和数字化战略. He brings a wealth of experience of running scale technology platforms and leading digital transformation and growth, 曾在上市公司和私募股权公司工作, 小型和大型. 在数字和技术领域拥有超过25年的经验, 他最近是NEP集团的集团首席技术官, 全球最大的体育赛事直播媒体制作合作伙伴.

Before that he was Chief 产品 and 技术官 at Carlson Wagonlit Travel, a $27bn travel management company where he successfully led their digital transformation. 他还领导过nbc环球和汤森路透的技术团队. 他对数据和数据科学充满热情, 他曾是Beyond Analysis的联合创始人兼首席技术官, 软件解决方案和数据科学业务, dunnhumby的首席信息官, Tesco的前数据科学部门.



Trudy was appointed as Group General Counsel in December 2022 and is responsible for leading the 法律, 保险, 治理 and 合规 Teams and building capabilities across Internal Audit and Risk. She has over 25 years of experience working in PLC and private equity environments across a range of different business sectors and in the 法律 profession.

Trudy was most recently Group General Counsel and Company Secretary at Avast PLC, 富时100指数全球网络安全公司. 她是执行团队的一员, 领导团队跨越治理, 法律, 合规, 隐私, 风险与内部审计. She also spent over 14 years as Chief Operating Officer at Private Equity Firm Terra Firma Capital Partners.